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Our video films:
1. Immersion into Harmony of Nature. The Way to Paradise. (Slideshow), 90 minutes (on CD or DVD).
2. Spiritual Heart. 70 minutes (on DVD).
3. Sattva (Harmony, Purity). 60 minutes (on DVD).
4. Sattva of Mists. 75 minutes (on DVD).
5. Sattva of Spring. 90 minutes (on DVD).
6. Art of Being Happy. 42 minutes (on DVD).
7. Keys to the Secrets of Life. Achievement of Immortality. 38 minutes (on DVD).
8. Bhakti Yoga. 47 minutes (on DVD).
9. Kriya Yoga. 40 minutes (on DVD).
10. Ecopsychology. 60 minutes (on DVD).
11. Yoga of Krishna. 80 minutes (on DVD).
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